Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Hospital Knitting

About that much. I was just too nervous to keep going. I couldn't read, couldn't knit, and really didn't want to TALK much which is SO unlike me! (But I was VERY grateful my inlaws came to town to be with us!)
Our ordeal started a bit ago when I finally got The Big Guy to switch doctors. His new one takes his family history and his health VERY serious, I mean, we aren't spring chickens anymore. Things are going to happen. The Big Guy had been having some weird pains and rapid heart beating episodes, so the doctor ordered an EKG and x-ray. They were okay. But they still ordered the stress test and that showed slow blood flow in the front wall of his heart. So. There we were at the hospital for the Heart Cath. Along with many other people. Busy place. Too busy.
And He did fine. He has 40% blockage in one artery and 50% in another. They'll only do a stint if it's at least 70% blockage. They've adjusted his BP meds and will also look at getting his cholesterol numbers even lower to prevent any further increases in those percentages. All in all, we can handle this. And we were very blessed that this all was discovered before any scary episodes happened. We celebrated the next day with a small cake for his birthday. We're just glad he's around and he's going to be feeling better all the time. He better. I can't take this kind of excitement.
Ravelry has been my safety net lately. I've been spending my "worry" time looking at other people's completed projects and that can be a huge time suck. I haven't been doing much of anything lately. Everything I start, I put back down or rip out. So I just pretend I'm as efficient as they are and just browse all day.
I did manage to finish this. I have no idea when (the past few weeks are a big blur) and it took me a good bit to do since it's with cotton - cotton and me don't get along too well.

The pattern is on Ravelry and Sharman will email it to you. I made this for my Aunt Rene for Christmas because she's the biggest Pooh Fan Ever I think. And she loves to clean, so this will make her smile while she scrubs away! LOL!
One gift down. A few more to go. I'll never make it! Ack!

Happy Knitting!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Birthdays Can Be AWESOME!

Monday, August 3, 2009
Birthday Bonanza!!!

Thank You Thank You Thank You so much to all of my fantastic knitting blog friends, Ravelry friends, and all of my wonderful family who made my day so awesome. We're alone here in our town, but the phone calls and messages on Ravelry and here kept coming all day and it sure made me smile. It makes turning 39 (again) easier to bear!