Monday, October 5, 2009

What a weekend!

Well. Saturday. I was totally unconscious yesterday (read: really, REALLY worn out). We must've ran 5 gazillion errands this past Saturday. One of my stops was to turn in the 36 preemie hats I made to the LYS. I had wanted to make at least 50, but 36 isn't anything to be ashamed of I guess. There were some really adorable ones turned in! And to top it off they said we'll blow last year's total out of the water. That's awesome. The Babies will have warm heads this winter for sure!

They filled up the wall, and the play-pen on the side there is almost full as well! Go Knitters!!

I also went ahead and bought the exercise bike I wanted awhile back (the one where I bought my camera instead) . I'm glad we waited, we ended up getting the floor model because they didn't have any more in stock and got 40% off. The Big Guy likes a bargain! And it doesn't take up much room so he's happy about that too. We just threw it in the back of the van and brought it home, no assembly required! It's nice and SMOOTH. Love it. Now let's just see if I actually get on it. I did Saturday and this morning. That's a start at least.

While we were there a service doggie had a little accident. Seeing that doggie's face about broke my heart. You could see it was very upset it had done that by it's ears and eyes. The lady didn't seem too happy about it so of course I was worried sick about her being angry with the puppy for the rest of the afternoon. They're prepared for that kind of thing, she had everything with her she needed to clean it up but I couldn't get that puppy's eyes out of my mind. Hours later, after about another billion errands, we went to Red Robin for a late lunch and lo and behold, they walked in! I think God was trying to tell me the doggie was okay. I had my back to them in the booth but Richard said she was giving the doggie lots of love. Whew. Animals can sure tug at you. That doggie's eyes I'll never forget.

It was Game Day so of course you see a lot of this:

And this:
I wish I'd remembered I had my camera sooner. These are kind of lame but there were SO many others really decked out you wonder how they don't cause an accident with all the doo-dads, pompoms, and flags all over their cars! It's a hoot. College football makes some people (cough...the big guy...cough) a little nutty I think. I'd just never seen the flags and car stuff until we moved here.
Off to knit something.


NatRed2 said...

36 baby hats is definately nothing to sneeze at! That is an amazing wall of baby hats!!

Good luck with that whole exersize thing..., I love a good bargin too, but in my case it would it would be a bargin paperweight.

Dawn said...

Wowwweeee 36 hats...dang girl that's sooooo awesome, your a hat machine! So cool seeing! that wall of hats!

Good luck with your brand new bike! I bet you could knit and ride at the same time!:) My luck I'd fall off the thing and jab myself with my needles! Broke my toe getting my towel out of the shower yesterday, at least I didn't fall! Still went belly dancing though, so much fun but man did I glisten afterwards...more like dripping!:)

Bubblesknits said...

Amazing! Lots of little heads will be kept very warm with all those hats. That wall picture is very impressive.

Glad she didn't hold the accident against the pup.