Thursday, January 9, 2014

A New Yarn-y Year - Welcome 2014

I've been a lazy blogger (a few years worth it seems). Life gets in the way, yada, yada yada and I lost the mojo to blog when I got my MAC and had some trouble figuring some things out. But this year I hope to at least keep up with my knitting and spinning projects again. 

I've been hearing so many resolution "plans" people have that I've gotten down to:
Resolution #1: "I just want to be happy". My head is cluttered enough, life is busy for everybody, but I want to just feel relaxed and not as anxious about things this year. I realize a lot of what I worry about is about choices I make, things I have no control over, and natural life events. I need to be more in the moment and let life take it's course and trust that God has my back. Accepting changes is a lot easier than fighting them. Frankly, it's just exhausting. 

New Mantra: Relax, and BREATHE. 

On to stringy things! My first project this year will be some handspun socks for my husband. I'll be posting a picture and giving details in my next post because I'm working down the foot on the second sock right now. They don't match at all, but
they're the first thing I've knit out of any of my handspun and it's been exciting. 

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