Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday to Julieeeee

Today is a good day, it's my Best Friends Birthday! If you would like to, please stop by her blog and wish her a happy day today!

I'm still trying to get better. I have one semi-functioning nostril, plenty of head congestion still, and I'm so worn out when I move around. You know what I hate? I hate not being able to EAT! I can't taste anything and that stinks . You know what else I hate? That Nyquil is STILL being sold when it doesn't make you go to sleep anymore! How dare they! Why bother if you remove the drug that HELPED us poor sick souls get some rest? I'm so sorry, I'm a bit grouchy about the "not being able to taste anything" part....luckily my See's candy isn't here yet.

To be too sick to knit is just not right, but it is what it is. I did a little bit on my magic loop sock yesterday in the parking lot waiting to pick up my daughter. It was POURING rain and kind of dark outside, but I managed to see the stitches well enough (I think) to finally start working the gusset part. It's moving along - s l o w l y. It's going to be funny to see how this turns out.

I've also done a row here and there on my sitcom chic sweater as the weakness, fatigue, and blowing my nose permit. I know this is a project that's going to be a very long one. I feel like I knit and purl - and knit and purl - and it doesn't look any different! And I have a WHOLE sweater to make??? I think that's why I like small projects. I'm sooooo impatient. Always have been. I keep reminding myself, "enjoy the process....enjoy the process..." row after row after row. If I was a faster knitter I guess this wouldn't be a problem. The only way to get faster is to practice...there's always a catch huh? I need to get a grip and maybe not knit while I can't see straight and have no patience and can barely breathe.

I'll try to get some pictures as soon as it gets sunny here again. We've been getting drenched off and on and I think tomorrow is calling for more storms. My back yard looks like a lake when it gets as bad as it did yesterday. But we do need it...

Have a good day Julie and have a Sour Apple-tini for me K?

And thank you EVERYBODY for your get well wishes!!! As you can tell I'm a LOUSY sick person to be around! LOL!!!! I appreciate all of your concern!!! (I'm a big baby as well.)


Anna said...

It's that time of year. My daughter has been out sick from school that past couple of days, and I've been sick to my stomach most of the day.

Too sick to knit just plain stinks!!!

Hope you feel better soon!

Dawn said...

Oh you guys too Anna!! I hate stomach problems!!!! :(
Feel better soon!

Dawn said...

Get better soon sweetie! You have a week before See's! Wow you're already to the gusset? Did you do all 14 pattern repeats?

NatRed2 said...

Try a netti pot!! Works wonders for your sinus'!!

You have had some very scary weather lately. Stay low!