Saturday, November 24, 2007

**Finally put up my Yahoo avatar....

(I've had it sitting in Yahoo forever but never got it on here).

**sigh*** I just wish I was that skinny!!! And how!!!


Dawn said...

I think the same thing when I do my avatar...if only I was that skinny! Wish working out didn't cause so much pain...joint pain not workout pain. Swimming is good though...gotta get back into it again. My son was sick so didn't want to drag him to the pool. It'll be nice once we get ours in...

Dawn said...

I swear when I read this I was thinking "I wonder if she has Fibro too?". I hurt too when I try to do too much or just sometimes for no reason! I gotta get moving more though, I've gained too much since I had my second baby (9 years ago!) :/

Dawn said...

I've gained so much too! But I really like carbs! I tend to overdo things too. Instead of starting out slow...I'll go a mile! Must be the stubborn red hair in me! Night time is worse for me...very stiff and sore.