Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Random Wednesday

Still knitting things I can't show so I'll introduce our newest additions. Sasha & Sophie. After we got back from CA this past summer we finally got what we'd been promising the girls for a couple of years. We got them on August 2nd and they were about 5 or 6 weeks old I think. Now... they're HUGE.
These are different kinds of cats. We were told they were literally born in a barn and are probably part siamese, part tabby - but their body shape and spots (YES! Spots, on their backs and tummies!) are different than what I've seen before. I actually thought they might be part racoon, their tails are stripped like a lemur.
My youngest kept calling them something, then she showed us a picture the other day and we were blown away. They look related to something called an Egyptian Mau. That even explains the extra flab of skin before their hind legs. How funny huh? We thought so.
I had wanted to "cop car" kitties (black & white) but these are proving to be loving and sweet and tearing up the house just the same. We luv our Sasha & Sophie.


Dawn said...

Oh they are gorgeous! Love the picture it turned out so good. Picture, blogged, should be resting!:)

Anna said...

Those are some beautiful cats!